I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I know about this focus on suffering in Christian religion because I was there inside of it ( I was raised in very religious family ) and obviously at that time - being one of them - I also saw it as something positive and noble. But I have changed and I have got out of there. And now I can see it from outside and so it is easier to look at things with clarity.
But suffering is not related exclusively to the Catholic religion. It is also visible in many other religions all over the world. So you'll see... the hell is not somewhere down there but it is literally here on Earth. But this is not god or devil who is creating it but it is us who make and create it here on this planet.
Now... what is the solution ?
Well... this thing with the suffering and the desire to become at least a little bit similar to Jesus and please god is a very deeply rooted belief within the minds of the people. And when it comes to mind beliefs then changing anything is extremely difficult. We have seen it throughout the centuries when those who tried to show and expose were condemned and/or even killed for heresy against holy god. We don't live anymore in the dark ages of Holy Inquisition and we do not burn people but still those who dare to challenge our beliefs don't have an easy life here on earth even today.
Anyway... to change anything and stop senseless suffering of the religious people we must educate people and show as many examples as possible so that people may stop competing with Jesus and stop believing that suffering pleases god. And this cannot be a one time spontaneous action as success may only be achieved through patient and well planned and organized movement.