I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Look... although I cannot give you any scientific proof ( as I said in the previous article ) I could give you many examples from real life, which support my statement. For example I remember when I was attending during my teenage years classes dedicated to religion and our teacher ( priest ) told us a story about a woman who has prayed to god so that she could suffer but only in such a way so that she could be independent. And some time later she started to have problems with her joints so that it was quite painful for her to walk and move in general and then going up the stairs or even stepping over some kind of small "bumps" on the floor was real "hell". But she was independent. She walked on her own without any help of anybody and she just need to walk over any kind of bump and up the stairs backwards. And so her prayer has been heard and fulfilled.
There are many other ( religious ) people who have very similar stories to say. They either ask god directly in their prayers so that they may suffer and be like Jesus or it happens to them anyway because they accept this belief about suffering in their subconscious and unconscious mind and it manifests itself in their life. Christianity regards suffering as something noble and positive. The very son of god ( Jesus ) suffered and died for us ( humanity ) and thus Christians try to be like him.
And this is also the reason why there are so many Christian women who are being abused constantly by their husbands and they do nothing about it because they believe that this is the will of their god. Then this belief is further "strengthen" by their priest during the confession and the weekly Sunday mass. And obviously once you accept certain belief in your mind then this belief makes you blind to see the facts of the reality and/or you interpret them that this is the will of god and you cannot or you should not change it. And so instead of living in joy, love and peace ( like you thought it would be when you got to know your husband and you fell in love with him ) you suffer your whole life. And instead of paradise you experience real hell on earth.
To be continued