I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So you have been married for many years but despite the promise at the altar in front of the Holy God, your partner does not love you much anymore, he is constantly arguing and fighting with you and sometimes even beating you up during your arguments etc. By logic you should have left your husband already long time ago because instead of love and happiness you suffer physically and emotionally. And you hear this advice ( about leaving your husband ) from your friends and colleagues who cannot comprehend why don't you divorce your husband who is abusing you and you do not even report it to the police.
So what is going on here ?
Why do you accept this shit ?
What is it that is stopping you from doing something about this whole situation ?
From personal experience as well as experience as a therapist I know that whenever we are dealing with a situation that somebody does not apply common sense and logic despite of fact that s/he is suffering or being taken advantage of then there is always something within the mind of this person ( e.g. belief, emotion etc. ), which makes this person kind of blind to see the facts and to interpret the whole experience as something completely different.
Now... I do not want to say that religion is the only reason for why people behave in this way but at the same time there is a clear correlation between somebody being very religious and finding him-/herself in a situation of domestic abuse and/or suffering in a relationship for other reasons.
But what gives me the reason to "blame" the religion for the suffering if I do not have any scientific proof or any kind of statistics backing up what I am saying ?
Well... I was born and raised in catholic family and thus I had the chance to get to know the religion from inside. And then I could also see this kind of dynamic within my family. Obviously at that time I was not able to connect the dots between the religion and the suffering but as I was growing up, getting to know the world and other religions, which was combined with working with myself and self-development, I finally realized that there is clear and undeniable connection of religion and suffering in our world.
To be continued