I am catching up with posting online my articles.
You'll see... it is not about rejecting the opportunity to have easier and more comfortable life. This would not prove anything here. What is important is that I do not fall for the trap of a belief that everything is ok because this is just an illusion created within my mind. I have already explained in the previous article why this is an illusion and I would say that you agree with me as this very obvious.
Now... I could try to make myself believing that this illusion is not an illusion and that this is very real.
How would I do it ?
Well... it is enough simply to leave like other people do, do the same things, focus on making more profit and try to make myself happy by buying myself new car, new house, go on holidays etc.
But there is one important thing ?
This thing with trying to convince myself that my illusion is real cannot last for long. And this is very, very true especially for anybody who has opened already his eyes a little bit and saw the truth of our current system and our current reality which is an illusion. And thus my new car, house or girlfriend would not give me real happiness and it would not last for long. I could try to find even more happiness by doing some other exciting things but unfortunately the result would always be the same and the happiness would not last for long.
Remember that once you reach a certain point you cannot go back into the illusion and be happy there. As a matter of fact you may never be happy in the illusion but it is that you know it more once you saw the truth once even for a short time. That is not possible.
Now... when I arrived here the first day I was presented with this temptation. But it was always clear to me that I would not accept. An illusion will never give me permanent and real happiness and/or satisfaction and so it is no point to waste my time and resources on it. Today I do not feel this overwhelming tiredness and laziness. I know what I want to do. I know that I will continue with my process of self change and the process of making respectful life on earth for everybody. I had never doubt about it but at the same time it was interesting to see that I was presented with this temptation to go back into the Matrix and become a "normal and happy" human being/battery.