I am catching up with posting online my articles.
You'll see... I could make one decision and I could have an easy and comfortable life here... really easy...
But I will not do it. I will not choose this easy and comfortable life.
You could ask me something like:
"Why not ?"
or even
"What the fuck is wrong with me ?"
Should I reject completely the opportunity to have comfort and easy life ?
Look... this thing with having everything easy and comfortable which goes together with this sensation that everything is ok is a trap of my mind and the ego.
Because how could everything be ok if our world is literally fucked up ?
Look around... read and watch the news... use the internet etc.
Can you see that everything is ok ?
It is not...
So how could I accept easy and comfortable life, forget about the activism in which I have been involved for many years and do nothing about the world problems ?
This would not make any sense at all. At least not to me !
So what will I do now ?
Should I reject completely the opportunity to have comfort and easy life ?
To be continued