I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So this week I went to visit my parents in Poland. This is the second time this year. And this gives me the opportunity to see a certain pattern. First of all I see that when I am at home in which I grew up that I have quite often moments when I feel tired and lazy. Last time during my visit I let myself to lie down and sleep. But this time I decided that I would not go the "easy" way and instead I "push" myself to stay awake and aware and that I would focus on breathing and stopping my thoughts. This is the first day today and I have to see further whether this makes any difference but still it was interesting to see that I had the same feeling as last time during my visit.
Another thing that I have noticed while being here is the impression that everything is ok. You'll see... I walked around the town and I could see how the place in which I spent my childhood and teenage years has changed - now it is much cleaner and better organized. And this gives me the impression as if everything was ok here. I know that this is not exactly as I see it and as I perceive it because I know that there are may people who struggle with survival and it is just that I do not see it. And I know that if I lived here permanently then I would start to see the things from "inside". But still this impression that everything is "perfect" makes me kind of forget about the world problems. Maybe it is not that it makes me to forget about it but there is something, which makes me feel as if there is no need for me to be an activist and try to change anything in this world.
So what will I do with this impression ?
Look... with the help of my parents I could organize my life here and it would be quite easy for me. I know that I could find myself a partner, get married and have child/-ren and I could easily fit into the society here. And I also know that I could drop down completely the thing with the activism and forget about it. I see that this temptation was here also during my last visit few months before.
So this is something very interesting...
To be continued