I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So what is this progress that is like the light at the end of the very long tunnel ?
Well... it is not just one thing but rather few small things:
1. Sleeping as long as I want - e.g. more than 8 hours and then also having a nap during the day - is not the solution as this was putting me into a zombie like state within my mind instead of making me fresh. I tested it in the past and it simply does not work.
2. I have discovered that sleeping around 5-6 hours with 1 or 2 small breaks during the day works for me much better than the 8-9 hours sleep.
3. I have met few people who need to sleep only 4 hours a day and they are perfectly fine. Then I have also heard about a person how does not sleep at all. And so this is one of the reasons why I dare to question tiredness and sleep as something normal.
4. I have noticed that when I use my brain intensively and on high revolutions ( like intensive emotions and intensive thinking ), which is similar to the car engine then I feel much more tired. But on the contrary if I try to do the same job ( like working on the computer ) and I manage to breathe deep and I slow down my brain then I am much less tired.
5. I am capable of making myself believe that I am tired and if I continue giving my power to it then I could eventually end up with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So what I what to say here is that this thing with the tiredness is a trap because we have accepted that this is something normal and something that cannot be changed and does when we start to feel or think that we are tired then we create the tiredness for ourselves almost instantly. And thus to change it we must stop the thought process within our mind.
6. This thing with stopping to be tired is something that must be changed by me from within. Any kind of external help like magic pills, drugs etc. are not going to give permanent results. I realize that I must make conscious choice and decision and I must push myself from within.
7. Stopping and changing the thing with tiredness and sleep may be a long process and it requires self discipline and patience.
So these are my realizations in my research. I know that this may not be much if I take into consideration that I have been doing it for around 20 years. But still this is something very important and significant for me. Whether I will reach my objective of sleeping very little or nothing at all, I do not know. But I will never know if I never "go there" and try it. So we will see it. I will keep you informed if I achieve or realize something significant.