I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Tiredness is being regarded by us humans as part of our lives, as something normal and there is hardly anybody in this world who would actually question it.
Because why would you question it if there are billions of persons who feel tired and need to have rest and sleep every day or otherwise they are unable to function ?
And then we also know about the cases of people who are for some reason forced to not sleep and they even die from exhaustion.
Then is this not enough proof that this is something real and something which should not be questioned ?
Well... if this is enough proof for you then continue to live as you do. But for me 7 billions of people feeling tired is not enough proof and I continue to question it. And I do it because there is something inside of me that question it. And this thing inside of me is the authority.
Of course at the moment I am part of the 7 billions of people who feel tired and I need to sleep but I do not accept that this tiredness is something that cannot be changed and I continue to search and investigate how to change it.
Now... the fact is that I have been doing it ( investigating ) for some 20 years now and I have made only very tiny progress in my research but still this tiny progress is like the light at the end of the tunnel which gives me hope and gives my motivation to continue researching further and to not give up.
To be continued