Now... I want to share with you another real case. So lately I have been working with couple of people who have been kind of seriously sick. And one of them has already ended up in the hospital couple of times and we can say that this person is lucky to be still alive. Yes... it was element of luck because the couple of organs in his body were severely weakened and if he did not manage to get to the hospital on time then he would be already dead. But he is still here and he has another chance to make some changes in his life and get better. Although he got better after leaving the hospital his state was still very bad and there was always a risk that something may happen again any time.
Anyway I started to work with this person applying common sense and logic. Of course I have my experience and I know few useful tricks but still it was all about applying practically common sense and logic.
So what is this common sense and logic which I am talking about so often ?
Look... we live in the physical world and for now to properly function in our world our body needs food, water, breathing and movement. And this is what is did. I gave a lecture to this person about the proper nutrition, I showed him how to breathe properly and I advised him on how to exercise.
And now we are on the 3rd day and the changes are already incredible. He was very weak and now he is regaining strength relatively quickly. And he could have been even much better than that but still there is a resistance within him to do ( or I should rather say "he should try" and see for himself how it goes ) all that I told him. Anyway although he still has long way to go he is already better and is further away from the danger zone.
Then I have another person who is also in very difficult situation when it comes to health. But the resistance is much stronger and he did very little of what I have told him. And the result is that he is in the danger zone and if he does not make any changes he may end up in the hospital any time and then there is a question whether he will get to the hospital at all.
So... this what I am telling you here in my articles is not just a theory. It has been "tested" and proven on people who were in serious conditions and the results are really spectacular. We could easily say that these things are miracles. But there is no need for it. For me this is something normal. If you eat shit, if you are lazy and if your breath is shallow than you cannot expect to be healthy. On the other hand if you are sick but you are lucky that somebody shows you the proper way of living than you have a big chance to recover and get better relatively quickly.
And the same as the human body is capable to get better very quickly even from very serious conditions so it is with the whole world and the ecosystem. Yes... the pollution and all sorts of problems can be addressed effectively with common sense and logic. But it cannot stay on the paper. It must be applied practically. I cannot do everything myself. Neither can you. We must all participate in it because we are all part of this reality and we are all creating it. And at the moment we do not use commons sense and logic and so the things are very bad.