Now... the thing with the operations and injections to help with the pain would be ok if there was really no other way to deal with it.
But what would you say if I was able to help this person to reduce greatly and eliminate completely some other pains within the period of 1 week ?
YES... I needed 1 week to make big improvement with this person suffering for many years. And the changes are permanent because I met with this person some 2 months later and he confirmed it. And then we did some more treatments and we managed to get rid of another set of annoying pains.
Is this a miracle ?
Well... we could say so because as I said before this person visited many specialists and has gone through series of advanced medical tests with the hi-tech equipment and nobody could help him. And here we achieved huge improvement within the period of 1 week.
But although it seems as if this was miracle, it is not. There are many therapists out there who can help people with serious health problems.
And you know what ?
They achieve it with basic things like: herbs, exercises and few other simple and inexpensive things. Yes... these simple things can make miracles in the human body.
And here comes the question:
Where are these therapists who can do these "miracles" ?
These "miracle" therapists are out there and they always been there. If you do not see them in your environment or you do not know where to find them it is because most probably you have been "hypnotised" and you believe that the doctors are gods and you should listen to everything what they say. And as a consequence of this belief you ignore any other person practicing other therapies commonly called as "alternative therapies".
Now... still you may know somebody who is really good with his/her "alternative treatments" but then here there is one really fascinating with how you approach and see these people. You may be a the point where you have recognized and accepted that somebody ( outside of the official doctor's circle ) can do "healing" and when you have some problems with your health then you go to see this person. And s/he can help you effectively with your serious problems but then what you do is that you pay this person some regular ( relatively small ) fees. And what is happening here is that this therapist has to literally fight to survive and s/he is struggling to pay his/her bills.
Look... you go and you see your doctor:
- who quite often does not even look into your eyes during your visit;
- who spends quite often less than 5 minutes with you;
- who prescribes you some medications, which you know that quite often cause many harmful side effects in your body;
- etc.
... and you complain about it and you laugh greatly with your friends who make jokes about it but still... you pay these doctors big money for their services. But when it comes to the therapists of natural/alternative medicine you take for granted what they do and as I said before you pay them some small fees. But this is not all... because when something happens with your body ( which quite often is a natural consequence of your sickness ) then you are easily jumping into the conclusion that this has been caused by the therapist and his/her treatments and then you are ready to file a lawsuit against this person. The doctors put you on the treatments with toxic chemotherapies, which cause tremendous harm, damage and side effects in your body but you accept it is something normal and you do not sue them in court. And you pay your doctor a fortune for it.
But when it comes to the therapist of natural medicine you make a scandal out of the tiniest thing, which does not go as you expect it to be. You make a scandal when something is not perfect. Now... you may laugh about it but this behaviour can be easily classified as an abuse.
So here is the answer to the question of why you do not see these "miracle therapists" in your environment. They have to work in the "underground" and they have to struggle with the survival and/or they have to fight with the lawyers and doctors who accuse them of witchery etc.
To be continued