This article today is kind of repetition of the things which I have already written on few occasions. But I decided to write it one time ( and probably this is not going to be the last time ) because it is simply fascinating to see how much can be achieved the with such a basic and simple things. This is related to the things which I do as a therapist of natural medicine but the idea and the principle of using common sense and logic can be applied to the most difficult and most complicated problems, which humanity and the whole world is struggling with and we could achieve spectacular results within a relatively very short period of time.
And it has been proven that:
- we do not need billions or trillions of dollars and
- we do not need any super hi-tech equipment and
- we do not need god, aliens or superman.
Yes... we would need some money just because this is how our current system operates but the primary thing that we need is common sense and logic and if everybody would use their brain then we could very easy get away with solving our most challenging problems without money.
So what gives me such a confidence to say all of these things ?
Look... from time to time I have patients who come to me with the complaints of chronic back, neck and shoulder pains, migraines etc. And some of them are very rich and they have tried the best specialist and they went through various tests with the most sophisticated hi-tech equipment but still their problems have not disappeared and they make their life a real hell. And this is not an exaggeration because how would you call it if you take a deep breath and you have sharp pain in your back. Then you have severe migraine pains 2-3 times a months to the point that sometimes you lose consciousness. Then you have problems with your shoulder and you cannot do such a simple thing as undo your bra or reach something from the fridge or from the shelf because you get excruciating pain once you move your shoulder past certain point.
So what do you say ?
I am justified to use the word hell to describe their life ?
And is it not frustrating that nobody can help you even though you have a lot of money ?
You may have operation but this carries a risk of side effects, which quite often are worse than the pains before the operation.
To be continued