I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And exactly the same principle applies to those whom we define as super rich. There are many people in this world who have enough money to live in luxury for their whole life without working anymore but yet they do not stop and continue to work excessive hours. And the reason for it is that they are also aware that their wealth can disappear quickly.
But I am not talking just about the case when somebody would lose all their wealth in on day. Let's say that you are mega wealthy but in one day you lose 50% of your wealth because of bad news and the crash on the stock market. But even though you lost some millions or billions of dollars ( 50% ) you are still left with other half, which is still more than enough ( millions or billions of dollars ) so that you may live in luxuries for your whole life. But you'll see... this is not about that. In your mind you have defined yourself as billionaire and you want literally at all cost to maintain your status all the time. And this is the reason why you continue to work hard long hours even though you have accumulated enough of wealth to live in luxury for the rest of your life without working.
But there is also another thing... Again you are aware that the other half can also disappear quickly and then you may end up in a cheap apartment instead of living in the luxury villa. So you'll see... whether you have few thousand or few billions of dollars you are still subject to the same rules - fear of survivor and fear that your status of being rich is threatened all the time. So you live in the luxury villa and you are surrounded by the luxuries but yet it is all just an illusion, which can disappear like a soap bubble.
And this is the fear which influences all our lives. We live in the illusion but yet we try to deny it and we do everything possible to make ourselves believe that this is real. We try to protect our bubbles at all cost but yet in the end it is all just an illusion.
Is there anything that we can do about it ?
Well... the most obvious thing is that we need to change our current system.
Is it possible ?
Of course it is...