I am catching up with posting online my articles.
About 2 years ago I was sick and as a result of it I was left with almost no money in my pocket. No problem. I know that this was part of my healing. So I started ( when it comes to money ) literally from the beginning. Since then I have been working very hard. Taking into consideration that I am also involved into the activism movement then I also work many hours at home voluntary. I do not have problems with it and it is my choice but still there are certain physical limits which our body can take and if we work a lot then we get tired.
Now... even though I have been working so hard I have been able to save a little bit more money only in the last few months. I know should not really complain about it and rather I should feel really fortunate because we are still in the time of crisis and there are many other people who also work hard and they do not have this opportunity to put aside some money.
Anyway... having some savings gives me a little bit more comfort and takes away the element of stress related to lack of money necessary for the basic survival needs. This is something very or I should rather say "extremely" important.
Now... seeing that my business starts to function better and I have the possibility to save up money gave me at some point an impression that I am wealthy. Well... this thing with being wealthy is a subjective thing but as I said it was an impression or feeling which in the end is something invisible and untouchable. And then I also have to say that this is something not lasting and it can disappear very quickly.
And now I will say "Now" with three dots "..." again... and will continue with my story.
Now... last week I noticed that my car is not functioning 100%. It was time to do the regular check-up, change of the oil, filter and the distribution belt so I thought that this could be related to it. And so I took my car to the mechanic. He did his job and he gave me my car back.
To be continued