I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was talking today with one of my friend about laziness. And when we finished our conversation I realised that I am really free from it and I could decide if I want to be lazy or not.
Yes... I am free from it and I have the choice to decide if I want to express myself as laziness or not. You'll know... I can easily see how this all functions. I know with all the smallest details what to do to become a person that could be defined by others as lazy. And then I also know what to do to get out of it.
I know that if I decide to be lazy then with the time I will get used to it and it will become something quite normal for me. And then with the time it will seem more and more difficult to get out of it. I use the word "SEEM" because in the end it is all about what I think and how I define it within my mind and/or within myself. And then depending how I define it then I will give my power to it and it will become for me a reality and normality. And once it will become for me the normality then I will find all sorts of excuses and justifications to stay/keep me in this state and not try to change it.
But then I know already how and what I should be doing to change it and thus I would be able to stop it immediately. Or in the case that I would be lazy for longer period of time then I would need to go through the process through which my body would adjust itself to a new situation of not being lazy. You'll know... we do not live in quantum reality when everything ( past, present and future ) happen instantly. But instead we live in the physical reality when the creation takes some time and thus the body needs some time to change, transform and align to a new situation. And that means that our body needs some time to change the chemical structure to align to a new reality of not being lazy. To say it differently... being lazy or not is being imprinted in the body through chemical reactions and substances.
So... I have the knowledge and I have the experience of being lazy or not being lazy. And I am free to decide what and how I want to express myself in this regard. And right now in this moment I decide to be not lazy. And so I am.
And you ?
Are you free to make the choice to be lazy or not ?