I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Let's look at this case... we have a very rich person who can afford to pay the best doctors and specialist in this world. And this person is having quite serious problems/pains in various parts of the body. Thus we have:
1. There is a lot of pain in one foot and ankle and it has been diagnosed as inflammation of the tendons and later prescribed to have a rest and some anti-inflammatory pills.
2. Frozen shoulder - it means that this person cannot move the shoulder beyond certain point because it gives a lot of pain. Despite various tests by the specialists with hi-tech equipment like MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) etc. they are not able to diagnose the problem and they suggest to have operation on the shoulder to get rid of the pain and improve the mobility.
3. Pain in the lower back.
4. Pain in the middle back for many years. Slight touch on the spot or something like deep breath activate quite a strong pain and the specialists cannot determine the reason for it.
5. Pain in the neck and vertigo accompanied by very strong headaches and sometimes even loss of consciousness.
These are the major area of discomfort and pain but there are many other serious problems in the body of this person. And it has been there for many years. Despite many visits to the specialist and doctors the situation does not improve for more than few days or maximum 1-3 weeks and this person starts to believe that all that he needs to do is to bite his tongue and to get used somehow to the pain.
But one day by accident this person gets in contact with an unknown therapist. He does not have a lot of money and he does not have access to the hi-tech equipment. After 2 weeks many of the pains ( although they have been there for many years ) reduce drastically in intensity or they disappear completely.
So what do you say ?
Sounds like a miracle... doesn't it ?
But how can it be a miracle if this therapist is not Jesus ? ... :-)...
No... there is no need to believe in miracles - although it looks like it. All that we have here is simply COMMON SENSE AND LOGIC. YES... that is all. Many of the pains have disappeared almost instantly simply by correcting the posture of the patient - feet, hips, shoulders and neck. Then the therapist has done some rather simple adjustments, he has shown some exercises to be done at home by the patient and we have spectacular results, which could have been easily classified as miracle - although it is not.
Now... I am not saying that we should discard our hi-tech diagnostic equipment. There is no need for it and as a matter of fact it can be quite helpful sometimes. But I suggest that before you make an appointment with a specialist to do the test and analysis with the use of the hi-tech equipment stop for a second, take a deep breath and try to find a solution to your problem with the use of "common sense and logic". Do not place all your hope in the machines. They are quite good but I have seen on multitude of occasions that they are completely useless and this wealthy person is the best example of it.