I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus my client has made a belief within his mind that losing weight should be easy and effortless. And obviously physical exercises are real hell for him. Anyway his new and easy method to lose weight is simply to cut drastically the amount of food which he takes. And we are talking here about having 1 meal a day and some small snack in between. So we are talking here about "big cut" from 4 big meals and many snacks in between to 1 smaller size meal with some fruits.
I know for sure if he can manage to stick to his plan then he will reduce his body weight BUT unfortunately he does not realizes that there are consequences to it. If he does not give his body proper nutrition then he will feel weak and he may get sick.
And you'll know what ?
Once you feel weak and sick then you will leave your goal and idea about weight loss very easy. It is just a matter of time. I have already seen it many times and in the long run most of the people fail and return to their bad habits. And what is worse is that then they eat even more than before they started their weight loss program.
Look... this idea of cutting drastically the amount of food gives you fast results. You can see relatively quickly on the scale that you are reducing your weight. And it is also easier than doing the exercises. As a matter of fact it gives you only the impression that it is easier. Because in reality this cannot be compared at all because we are talking about 2 different things. The thing with doing the physical exercises is not just about doing it to burn fat and calories. This is also to get over the mental laziness and comfort zone, which we have created in our mind. Our body needs physical movement. This is the fundamental element to good health. It is common sense and logic. But yet we have come to the point when we do not use common sense and logic. We got used to a static life and we see this basic element of movement as a real hell. And we'd rather sacrifice our health by reducing drastically the amount of food rather than break through the mental laziness.
Physical exercise can actually be very enjoyable. But if you have static life style for a very long time then you forget about it. So I recommend that you do not get to the point when you forget about the exercises and physical movement. Give your body good nutrition. Breathe deep and drink clean water. These are the basic elements necessary for your body to function effectively in this reality. If you do not do them then your health will be compromised. And cutting drastically amount of food which you eat is not going to fix your problem with obesity. In the short term you will see quick results but in the long run you will fail. Go and speak with fat people. I am certain that they have tried this method at least once. And look. Most of them are still fat. Or if not fat than they are sick. Use common sense and logic. Be persistent and break through you mental laziness. Once you do it then all will be much easier for you.
To be continued