I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Few weeks ago somebody contacted me and asked me if I could help him to lose weight. So we met together and I presented him a plan of how we can achieve it. He was very content with the idea that he could lose about 5 kilos in the first month and so he decided to go ahead with my plan.
So we started with doing exercises everyday. He was not used to doing physical exercises and thus we had to start really slowly. I mean really slowly !!! On the first day we went for a walk and we had to take small breaks every few hundred meters because he was puffing and his heart bit was "sky rocketing" very quickly. This is a very common case among obese people and thus I was not surprised although he was quite young.
Anyway over the period of 2 weeks we managed to get from walking with short breaks into running up the hill with short breaks. We could have managed to do it easily in 1 week but of course he was finding various excuses to postpone and skip the training and in the end it took us twice the time.
After the 2 weeks period of strengthening his body I started doing with him more intense exercises - the 2nd phase. Unfortunately after few days he decided that this is too much for him and he came up with the idea that he will try another method. It is cool that he did not give up completely on his plan to lose weight BUT !!!...
To be continued