I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So you'll see... somebody who is struggling with the addiction is trapped within his own "destructive" thoughts. He thinks and believes that he can do nothing about it. But the things can change very quickly once you push yourself and you start doing something constructive. Obviously this is not something that you would like to do and you will have hundreds of excuses to do it later or not do it at all. But if you do it then you may be really surprised.
But here is a one small but yet extremely important detail... Look... somebody may give you this advice and then you either do it or don't. But if this somebody is going try to force you to do it then most probably it is not going to work. And the reason for it is that as long as you do not move yourself from within and you do not push yourself from within then the results will be only temporary.
You'll see... you are the one who has got yourself into this shit with depression, addiction etc. And only you are capable of getting yourself out of it. I have written about it already many times and there should be nothing strange to you. You may have all the knowledge about how to deal with the addiction but if you do not apply I practically then you will never get out of it. And the same with this little trick, which I have showed you today. It is helpful but still it is just something that must be done by you as yourself. It must be self movement and self decision to do it.