I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So again this is the day when I am tired because of long hours at work and now I have been seating in front of the computer for 15 minutes and I do not know what to write. I know that I could easily seat here for another 30 minutes without "moving forward" with my article. Thus I prefer to write that I do not know what to write instead of doing nothing.
I know that this may seem to be the easy way out when it comes to writing my daily article. But believe me... it is not. Even writing these words is a tremendous effort. I would simply like to have a shower and lie down in my bed. But I cannot do it before writing my article. And as I said before my writing includes the time when I seat and think about what to write today.
Now... I have been much better when it comes to organizing myself at work and avoiding working over time. But today I could not avoid it and so I came home very tired.
So I guess that this is it for today and I finish here. I have a shower I go to bed.