I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This point and this little realization came up today during the conversation with my friend whom I was helping with her health problems. Actually this did not come up today because I knew about it already long time ago as this was part of my studies and work. So it just has become clearer to me when expressing it and putting it into words.
Thus my friend was having certain problems with her health and I told and showed her what she needs to do to change it and make it better. You'll know... it was all basic things ( e.g. exercises, correcting posture and changing her diet ) but yet these basic things have made within the period of 3 weeks huge changes in her health and in her life in general.
I was glad to see that she did the things - which I showed her - with ease because normally this is a difficult point for many people. Their resistance and their ego makes them blind to see that basic things can fix their complicated health problems. Anyway my friend has got better but still there are few things, which she could improve but she is struggling with a little bit. And I said to her:
Look... before you were a little bit lost... you did not know what to do and you got sick but now I have showed you what and how you can do things to improve your health and make yourself stronger. If you do not do it then you do not respect yourself and others. And it is because these things can make you stronger and once you become stronger then you make everybody else in this whole world also stronger.
Now... how can this one "little and insignificant" woman make everybody else stronger ?
Well... look at this... once she is better herself than she may become a focal point helping all of those beings who are in her direct environment. Now she can see things with more clarity and now she is able to help others to see with clarity. And so this functions like a pyramid encompassing more and more people until it reaches the whole world.
Now... this is in a sense a "linear" approach to the explanation of this point. But at the same time there is something which we could define as quantum approach. Because look at this... we are all connected with each other. All of us co-create this whole world and this whole existence. And thus once my friend gets better, healthier and stronger then everybody else ( whole humanity and not only ) gets immediately stronger together with her.
So this is another small and insignificant thing which could literally change the whole world for better.