I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Not so long ago ( DAY 934 - LOST IN THE WEALTH ) I have written an article about people who get lost in their wealth. And here is a little continuation of this article.
Thus this rich person got sick and she was really on the edge of crossing over to afterlife but luckily she got on time to the hospital. She was treated by the doctors and few days later she has got out of hospital. She was given a lot of medicine to be taken in the next few months and she was told to make some changes in her life - eat healthy food, work less hours, exercise and definitely to stop drinking alcohol.
Now this thing with the hospital was really scary thing and this person has decided to make those changes as told by the doctors. As I have written in the article on day 934, this person got used to work over 12 hours daily without any day off and she has got literally addicted to it. And so before I continue with my writing I would like to ask a question.
What do you think is the probability that this person would make the real changes in her life ?
You'll know... she was told by the doctors that she either does it or she has got about 2 years to live. So this something really serious stuff... isn't it ?
So here is the answer. Knowing the psychology of human behavior I can easily say that the probably is very low. Yes... humans are not willing to change their habits and addictions so easy. And unfortunately I was right with this person.
She decided to delegate most of the tasks related to running the business to other people and go on holiday. But this did not last for long. Something has got wrong within the company and she has got back into the 12 hours working routine immediately. But this is not all. Stress related to and induced by problems at work facilitates finding excuse to justify the decision to drink alcohol to relax a little bit. You'll know... she is taking about 20 different pills a day and drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden but this does not stop her.
This is a very typical behavior among many humans. We get lost in our madness and we completely ignore common sense logic. All that she does right now ( work. alcohol etc. ) is going to kill her relatively quickly. I cannot say exactly when this is going to happen because our body has a wonderful compensation mechanism but still there are certain limits and once we continuously cross them then it is all about taking chances. Yes... this is all very dangerous and risky path. But well... she does not want to listen. She ignores her body. She ignores common sense and logic etc. So dear family and friends !!! Do not cry when this ( death ) happens. She is not a victim. It is her conscious choice to kill herself.