I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday I saw that somebody has placed on his balcony a big sign saying: "Shame on you mister president for allowing this war".
This sign is very big and obviously it catches the attention of everybody passing by. I will go tomorrow and take the picture with my camera because this way it will be easier for you to follow my article.
Now... it is cool to see that somebody has the courage to stand up and to say something publicly criticizing the president. Unless we are in the group of people ( e.g. demonstration ) we are usually afraid to say something out loud criticizing the president. And in some countries that would mean that you would go to jail or even be killed in "unexplained circumstances". Anyway this is happening in Spain ( being regarded as civilized country ) and thus I doubt that anybody would do anything to this person for putting up this sign.
But looking at this sign it is not really clear what this person really wants to say. I know that s/he is blaming and accusing president for something related to war. I do not watch TV and maybe I am not up to date with the "political scene" but still the message on the sign is not really clear.
But what I can see clearly is that the person putting up this sign does not understand clearly how this world functions.
Because how can we blame one person for something, which has been co-created and allowed by all of us ?
Even if the president makes the decision to send the troops to war then we have soldiers and many other people who are also involved in the logistics and effective functioning of the army and all of these people listen blindly to the orders of the president and pull the trigger. You'll know... if all of these people stood up and denied to obey the orders of the president then we would have war. This is very obvious. We have co-created and allowed this war. And then we are the ones who pull the trigger and kill others. And thus we cannot blame exclusively the president for it. And even if you do not go to the front line and you do not kill people you are still responsible for it. It is simply enough that you work in the factory manufacturing chips, which are used in bombs etc.
But this very simple example because in reality there is much more to it... You'll know... it is enough that you have an internal war within yourself with yourself or with your family and neighbors and this creates an energy, which adds up to the war energy produced by other people and later when it riches a "critical mass point" then it manifests itself out there as a global war. And the president is like a marionette. S/he may believe that s/he is free but unfortunately something/somebody is pulling the strings to which he is attached.
So again we are at the point when I have to say that if you want to do something to prevent and stop the war out there then look into yourself and change yourself first.