I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... although I answer straight forward with "NO" it does not mean that this is definite and absolute truth. There is always a possibility that this rich person "wakes up", realizes the insanity of the current system and starts doing something to change it. Though the probability of it is very low and thus we should take it into consideration whenever we make any kind of decisions, which involve a rich person because most of the time they will choose their privileges and luxuries over the principle of what is best for all is very high. And this is also what Jesus meant when he said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven.
So these rich people are happy ( or we should rather say that they believe that they are happy ) with their lives and the current arrangement in the world and they are not going to try to change it.
And here comes another question:
Why wouldn't they do anything to change something in this world ?
But you'll know what ?...
Even if they tried to do anything to change something and sometimes these people do ( e.g. fighting the pollution, poverty, starvation etc. ) they would not be effective. And I need to make it clear here that my statement about not being effective is definite and not questionable. These rich people will never be effective in making any real change in this world.
And why am I so certain about it ?
Well... look at this... being rich is an opposite polarity of being poor. And it is not that the wealthy ones are to be blamed entirely for the poverty in this world. All of us have co-created this world the current system. We have created the polarities and separation. And within this some of us took on the role of being poor and the others of being rich. And although there is so much suffering in this world this co-creation is in equilibrium because the opposite polarities balance themselves out. And this is why the rich ones see nothing wrong with them being rich despite having starvation reaching about 1 billion people in this world.
To be continued