I am catching up with posting online my articles.
As you can see within me there was a transformation from a kid throwing the rubbish out of the window and polluting the environment into somebody teaching my father that he should not be doing it.
Anyway... over the period of about 16 years I threw at least few kilograms of rubbish out of the window. At that time this was normal for me. I learned it and I copied the behaviour from my parents and then I was like them. Now... this behaviour of throwing rubbish out of the window's car was not just within my family. I could see that there was more rubbish on the side of the roads. And with the time I also realised that this was going on in other countries.
So you'll see... this behaviour of my family is normal to many other people. And thus if we multiply few kilograms of rubbish some millions of times we have at least few millions of kilograms of rubbish being dumped throughout the world on the side of the roads. But this is not just limited to cars and roads. I also see a lot of rubbish being dumped at the beaches, in the forests etc.
Now... I stopped this behaviour within myself because I realised the nonsense and stupidity of it at the age of 18. But there are many people who have been doing it their whole life and they never took time to think that this is sick. We get angry because some tankers spill oil into the oceans or because some factories dump toxic waste into the rivers because they don't want to pay money for save removal of it but yet we don't see that we repeat the same behavioural pattern at within our lives.
What is the solution ?
Well... we have to teach our children to not do it and explain them why. If we don't do it then they may continue throwing rubbish out of their car for their whole life. And if they have business then they may dump the toxic waste into the rivers and oceans thinking that this is normal and harmless. If you are a child who has already realised for yourself that dumping the rubbish into the environment is not OK, then teach your parents if you see them doing it. This is a small and insignificant thing but yet it could have a global impact on improving the quality of our environment and our lives.