I am catching up with posting online my articles.
How can you stop this vicious circle of playing infinitely the role of the victim and the abuser and find your real sense in life ?
Well... this can be extremely difficult and literally impossible or very easy. Thus it will be difficult if a person has formed and accepted within his mind various ideas, concepts, opinions etc. and believes that they are absolute truth. And it does not matter that you present undeniable facts, this person will always find an excuse and justification to deny them.
And then it would be very easy to stop this vicious cycle of infinite abuse, if this person would listen to somebody explaining how it all works and functions and then based on this information s/he would connect the dots and realise that this is really true. And then... s/he would change himself/herself and stop searching for this other person to continue creating this mind pattern of the victim and abuser.
Thus in the first scenario this person will not find a real sense in life because his/her "sense of life" as s/he understands it is to find the other person ( which whom he believes that s/he loves ) and continue with the same shit.
In the second scenario the person is free from the vicious cycle of abuse but yet s/he is at the point when he must find real sense in life. And this may not be so easy because this is something which this person has never done in his/her life. It is something new and it could be very frustrating not knowing what and how to do it. And within this there will be great temptation to go back to the old because this old is something, which s/he knows very well and thus s/he knows how to "live" with it.
So how to find the real sense in life ?
You'll know... the answer to this question is very simple. All that we need is to live practically the principle of what is best for all. YES... this is all that we need. This will give sense to our life. This will change our whole life and this whole world as a change reaction, which you ignite.
Now... this is not complicated. It is commons sense and logic. And it is very easy. The only difficulty is that we have never done it before and we need to learn it from zero. But one thing is for sure. Like with everything else if we are constant and dedicated to learning new subject then it will get easier and easier with time. We will become more fluent with it. And this is going to give us satisfaction, which we have never experienced before. It is guaranteed.
So... let's go and let's find sense in our lives by applying practically in every moment the principle of what is best for all.