I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I know that this may seem difficult to believe. I know that this does not make sense. I know that this may seem not logical. But yet this is very true.
You'll see... if you operate on the superficial level of the mind and you do not see the subconscious and unconscious levels then you cannot understand it. Your beliefs which you have formed and accepted within your mind make you blind and no explanation will change it. You will laugh and you will think that the person telling you this is crazy. No... it is not. It is just that you do not see it. Of course there are many more like you ( actually the majority of people in this world ) and thus you will use this argument to back up your beliefs as true and real and as I said you will laugh.
But this is not just that you cannot see it. You do not want to see it because if you saw it then this would destroy all your beliefs about yourself. And you are absolutely convinced that your beliefs about you, which you hold in your mind are real. Thus you do want to accept and hear the truth because this would destroy your whole world and your ego. And this is the reason that you will laugh with disbelief when somebody would try to tell you that you have created and manifested for yourself a role of a victim. And if this somebody will somehow manage to show you undeniable proof that your beliefs are not real then you would most probably get very angry and use this anger against this person to shut him up etc. This is a very typical behaviour.
Can you see any other explanation to the situation when your husband or wife is abusing and maltreating you but yet you don't leave divorce him and you do not report him to the police ? And if it happens that he dies or he leaves you for another person then you miss him and you do literally crazy and illogical things to get him back. If you do not manage to get him back then you realise one day that your new partner is just like your ex and s/he is also abusing you.
There is also another very common scenario in this type of situations. If you partner-abuser dies then you also remove yourself soon after from this world and you try to find him/her out there so that you can find your sense in life ( your existence ). The way to remove yourself and search for your partner out there in the afterlife can happen either through suicide, accident or sickness. And the same as before if you are not aware then you do not realise and you do not see that these strange accidents and sudden sicknesses, which make these people die relatively soon after the death of their partner are not a coincidence.
To be continued