I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And how does it look like from the point of view of the oppressor ?
How is it when he starts to create a desire to oppress others ?
The whole thing starts when somebody starts to believe that he deserves to have more or something like this. It is in his mind that he believes that he deserves to have more and thus he decides to use his physical strength to oppress others and take from others their resources under threat of using physical force and hurting them if they deny. Obviously this will only happen if the people fall into the trap of fear that the oppressor may hurt them and instead of doing something and acting together with other people to stop it and prevent it, each individual accepts the fear within their mind and out of this fear of not being hurt people start to give the oppressor their resources. This only strengthens further the belief of the oppressor that he deserves to have more and thus he will continue with. What I mean here by saying that he will continue is that the belief grows and gains on power within his mind and thus he will believe more that he deserves more and more. And thus he will expect and force people to give him more and more of their resources.
And this is interesting because the oppressor does not really need all of these resources because he already have more than enough. But yet he continues to oppress people and take their resources ( even though it threatens their survival ) because he needs to "feed" ever growing belief within his mind that deserves to have more.
Now... look at this situation closely. People in the first place decided to give the oppressor their resources for the sake of peace believing that they will give him something and he will leave them in peace. But they do not realise that it all comes from the ego and the mind of the oppressor believing that he deserves to have more. And this is their mistake because they give their power away and there comes a point when they believe that they are innocent victims and that they can do nothing about. And here we have the moment when people start to look for saviour ( the hero ) who would save them from the oppressor.
And what would happen if the people would be aware of what is happening here and they would not allow themselves to be oppressed but yet the oppressor continues to create within his mind a belief that he deserves more ?
So because the oppressor cannot find anybody to co-create a film with anybody else, he will become like the Don Quixote oppressing some imaginary victims or he may even hurt himself.
To be continued