I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... here is a very important question:
Who is creating all of these and how does it all start ?
In the situation above everybody is co-creating and manifesting it. The hero cannot exist without the oppressor and both of them cannot exist without the victims that are firstly abused and then saved.
You'll know... this kind of creation may take long time to manifest itself in the physicality and thus it is easy to lose yourself and forget that you have created it. And then when it is all here playing out you may believe that you are innocent victim that needs a hero to save you from the oppressor. But it does not work like this. You have created it and you continue to create it because you believe that it is not you who did it and that you are indeed an innocent victim. Within this you give your power away and you are powerless and helpless. And it is this way as long as you believe it because - as I said - you give it your energy and your power through your belief.
How does it all start ?
Well... it is enough that one person starts to make within his mind a desire that he would like to be a hero. If he dedicates a lot of time and energy to it then he will attract others who will start co-creating it with him. And it is a matter of time when there comes an oppressor and the victims to be saved.
But here there is an interesting thing. If everybody else is aware then they will not fall into the trap and they don't allow themselves to be attracted to this person wanting to be a hero. And what is going to happen then is that this person who wants to be a hero and save others will still become what he desires but the oppressor and the victims will only exist in his imagination. So this is like the story of Don Quixote fighting the windmill, which he believes to be giants.
Now... it is good to explain one little thing. I use the word "attract" because once somebody creates a desire within his mind and he puts a lot of energy into it then he becomes like a magnet or rather I should say a positive polarity of a magnet. And the oppressor is the opposite polarity.
To be continued