I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... this is not a fairy tale. I did not make it up. This is something very real. There are people out there who are like this. They are not forced to work so much because they are poor and their wage is not enough to pay for their basic needs so they do 2 full time jobs. These people do it because they want to. Well... I actually said it wrong. These people wanted to do it from the perspective of having a choice of working longer hours some time ago. Now they are addicted to it and so we cannot talk anymore about free choice.
As I said before you work so much that you do not have time for anything else. You do not have time for your children and I have to employ full time 2 nannies. And obviously you have no time to take care of your body. This is very typical. You take it for granted. You ignore it and you ignore what it tells you. One of the many ways which our body communicates with us is through pain. In the beginning it is a little tightness, discomfort or ache. But if you ignore it and you simply take the pain killer and you continue your crazy routine with working 16 hours a day then this pain will get stronger. This is how your body is telling you that something is not right and it needs your attention. And obviously if you do not stop because you are too busy with your work and you do not correct it, then this little imbalance transforms itself with the time into serious disorder/sickness.
Obviously when you find out about it, you believe that it came on you by surprise and you are innocent victim to it. Well... you are mistaken. But because your doctor does not what is the real cause of your sickness and simply prescribes you strong medication ( e.g. chemotherapy ) then you continue to believe that you can do nothing about it and you continue to get drawn down into the shit hole. If you are lucky and you have strong body then you will be able to live few or more years. But you may also die within few months or weeks.
And when you are facing your death then the pain and fear of death you start to open your eyes; you look around and you ask yourself the question:
WTF... I am so wealthy but this money cannot save my life !!!
So this is how you lose yourself in the desire to be rich and wealthy. On one hand it is cool that you have this discipline and dedication to work so hard towards your goal. But unfortunately because you ignore your body and you push the limits of what your body can take, then you lose your body and without it you cannot enjoy your wealth anymore because you cannot be here anymore in this reality.
So if it is not too late and you are still aware and connected with your body, then listen to it. And adjust your working routine so that you do not kill yourself with excessive work.