I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So your business functions really well and you have a lot of money. Though the money did not and does not fall from the sky magically. You have worked hard and you continue to work hard - from 8 am till 12 am.
No... I did not misspell 12 am. with 12 pm.
You work from 8 in the morning till 12 midnight. That is 16 hours a day. And then you work from Monday till Sunday.
No... I did not make a mistake. That is 7 days a week and you have no day off.
You have children but you have a lot of money and you can afford to pay for a nanny. Or rather I should say 2-3 nannies because having children is kind of a full time job and you are already tide up with your job so it is impossible to take care of your children yourself and you must pay somebody to do this task for you.
You know that this lifestyle with working 7 day a week 16 hours a day is not healthy but you somehow have got used to it and cope with it. From time to time you realise that this is crazy and you try to take a day off on Sunday. But after 1-2 hours you do not know what to do with yourself so you decide that you check up quickly the emails ( your business emails ). And then you decide that you catch up a little bit with your paperwork. You cannot look at the computer monitor anymore because your eyes hurt so you decide to finish your work for today. Well... it is already midnight and it is time to go to sleep. You did not want to work all day on Sunday especially because you wanted to make it your day off. But then you did not know what to do with yourself so say to yourself: "what the hell... I do not need to have day off... and at least I could catch up with important paperwork".
The next day you wake up and you start your normal working week ( from 8 am. till 12 am. ). And so you continue with you standard 7 days working routine for the next couple of weeks or months until somebody ( e.g. your doctor or friend ) tells you that you should have a day off.
To be continued