I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Some say that competition and stress are effective motivational elements because they keep us out of our comfort zone and push us to find new ways and new solutions. And there are some who say that it is more beneficial to secure basic needs and to let people be in the comfort zone as this is allows people to be more creative.
So let's try to find the answer to which statement is true...
1. Stress, competition and fight for survivor
Look at the state of the current world and see for yourself. Predominantly our whole system is based on competition and stress. Some are lucky, some are really creative under stress and they make their way in this system. But unfortunately there way too many beings who are neither lucky nor they have time or energy to be creative. And if they are creative this creativity is directed towards taking advantage of others and be first to get as many resources as possible for themselves and make huge profit out of it leaving everybody else struggling for survivor.
And thus if we look at the state of our world and the global system it is easy to say that the concept about the competition and stress as motivational factors to increase creativity does not work at all for us. If that was efficient then we would not have 1 billion people starving in this world.
To be continued