I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Not so long ago a friend of mine posted a video online, showing him killing a cockroach and making a joke about it. I made a comment about it telling him that cockroach is a living being and my friend should not be killing him and making fun of it. As a reply I have heard his justification saying that he has been doing it his whole life because the cockroaches are disgusting. Then from the next comment of other people I realised that they do not want to comprehend that cockroach is a living being and I decided that I would continue the conversation about it further in person if my friend or anybody from the comment thread is ready and interested to talk about it. Here I have to explain that my decision is not based on any kind of fear of not being understood or not being accepted by the group but simply I see that it may take some time for these people to grasp the idea that cockroach is a living being and there is no need for me to insist and force them to comprehend it right in this moment.
But once we are here talking about the cockroaches then let's have a closer look at this whole situation. Thus have a look how we ( humans ) make a certain idea or belief in our mind about something or somebody and then based it we justify our actions even though that means killing. In this situation we made the belief that cockroach is disgusting and that is all that we need to kill him/her. I use here the word "him/her" instead of "it" because as I said before cockroach is living being and not an object. I know that this is not how majority of people in this world see it and that is why they call cockroach as "it" as if it was an object but we should not take for granted that majority must be always right and follow it blindly.
In the last paragraph above I have mentioned that humans make a certain belief about something or somebody and then based on this belief they justify their action even though that means killing. So in this situation with the cockroach we have this "something" because we ( humans ) don't regard a cockroach as living being which should be respected and should have the right to live. But we can do exactly the same with somebody because this is all the thing of our mind and our ego. Thus look... we can make a belief in our mind that black people are disgusting or lesser than the white race and then we can justify our action of killing them or enslaving them. We did it in the past but this thing with beliefs about "Negros" as being less or disgusting still exists today. But then we can also make another belief about the Jews or Red Indians or Russians or Americans and then here we go. It is all in our mind and it is what we allow and to what we give our power. And the new have a world when somebody is killing another being and laughs and makes jokes about it believing that his action is innocent and justified. Well... it is justified but only in your mind because in your mind you can make yourself whatever you want to be.
But the reality is different. Cockroach is living being equal to you. It is much smaller than you and lives in the dark and sometimes smelly places but it is equal to you and deserves to live. If it is invading your living space ( your home and kitchen ) and it is a danger for you and your existence in this world then the situation is a little bit different. But if you walk on the street and you kill him/her and make jokes about then you are responsible for killing and you will pay for it. But do not be afraid about your money. You will not pay with money because the family of the killed cockroach cannot sue you in the court. But you will pay for it at the life review when you face LIFE as a whole existence and you will have to explain your actions in this world. So I recommend that you investigate your beliefs about the disgusting things in this world and change it within you. Because these things like cockroaches are magnificent beings with beautiful bodies. Look at the magnified images of cockroaches and other insects and don't be surprised if your jaws fall on the ground when you say WOW !!!