I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Then within the desperate desire to meet the soulmate there could be another problem that you do not accept yourself and you are looking for the acceptation outside of yourself.
You'll see... you may not see it right now as I could not see it. It took me many years to finally free myself from this desire to meet my soulmate. I remember the moment when my friend told me this about 2 years ago and I did not understand what he was talking about because I thought that I actually do love and accept myself. And I can see now that I did not see the things which were there in front of me and which I can see today.
And so I thought that I love myself but I was walking on the street, I was in the busy places like city malls and shopping centres and I was looking for this one special person, which would love me and accept me. Obviously I did not see it as that in that moment and this is a normal behaviour when it comes to the beliefs which we form and hold in our mind. They make us blind to see the obvious things. Or I should rather say that we make ourselves blind with these beliefs because the other statement places the responsibility outside of myself ( the belief makes me blind ) and this is not true at all.
Now... the soulmate represents ( right after the god's love ) the ultimate, highest love that can exist in the universe. Well... at least according to the beliefs and books which I read. But now I also understand that it also represents the highest and the ultimate polarity. This is what has happened within my encounter with my "soulmate". I would not be surprised if one day one of us would kill the other one simply because the extreme polarities and beliefs take over you and possess you and you cannot control yourself anymore.
I know that this thing with killing the other person may seem extreme or exaggerated but believe me... it happened already and is happening today many times on this planet. Despite this great "love" which brought 2 beings together they come to the point of killing or hurting seriously the other one.
Now... although the probability of this scenario to happen is very high it does not have to be. And all that is required is to neutralize/balance the polarities. You'll know... this act of killing your soulmate is also an act of balancing the polarities but it is very violent. And thus if both of you ( or at least you ) start working with yourself and you stop giving your energy to it and you stop giving your power to these polarities and you become neutral then you will prevent it. And as I said many times in my articles you may not force the other person to change him/herself. It is enough that you change yourself because this will stop co-creation with the other person and through this you free yourself and the other person. Obviously if the other person does not want to change then eventually s/he will leave you alone and s/he will find himself another person to continue the creation with the polarities. And s/he will believe that s/he met the real soulmate even though s/he thought that you were the real one.
To be continued...