I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is very interesting to see that lately I have no desire for a relationship. And if I look back into my past it was never like this before. I was always looking around - and I could say now looking desperately - for a female which would click with me. Well... rather than saying female I should say looking for a soulmate. Yes... I got hooked up on this new age thing with the soulmates. And interestingly I thought that I have met my soulmate twice in my life. But what is even more interesting that it did not work on both cases.
But then it is also important to mention that in period when I was not in the relationship my search for a soulmate got me into pornography and masturbation. So the question is:
WTF is this thing with the soulmates ?
Is it real ?
You'll know... remembering and meeting somebody from previous lives is very possible. But wishing and desiring to meet desperately somebody like this indicates that there is something really fucked up here... isn't it ?
And what is so fucked up with the desire to meet a soulmate ?
Well... in reality there may not be a problem at all with it but what I have seen within myself and with other people is that through this desire we separate ourselves from love because we are looking for this love outside of ourselves and we do not love ourselves here and now. YES... you can love yourself too.
Never thought about it ?
Then possibly you have a problem and you will need to correct it.
How can you love yourself ?
Try to answer it for yourself and then do it. I cannot tell you how you can love yourself. I could only tell you how I have started to love myself. And I will do it later on.
To be continued...