I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... you will have to personally introspect and analyse your life and see what you know that you should do and then do it. Because you have probably never done it in your life then it will be extremely difficult for you to make yourself to do it. And here you will have to stand up against your ego and all the old programs which you have in your mind and to which you have got used to and which seem to be so "real" that you will try to discard anything else even though it would be the undeniable truth.
As I said you must introspect yourself and see what is in you and how you have got to the shit hole in which you are now and get out of there. I can assist you and give you some indication but in the end it is you who must do it and find out the way. Thus I cannot tell you what exactly needs to be done though I can give you some examples, which repeat themselves very often. - Stop working long hours and find time for yourself - Spend more time in the nature - Stop your addictions - Stop watching porn - Stop any kind of abuse - Analyse whether your relationship is really based on love and respect or whether it is based on abuse, desire and ego - Start living practically the principle of what is best for all.
You'll know... the last point is the most important but also it is the most ignored one. You will only understand and appreciate it once you start doing it and applying it practically. And as a matter of fact if you just live your life according to this principle then you may literally forget about all other points, which I have listed above because they will simply not be there.
And here is the question:
Will living the principle of what is best for all help me to get out of the serious sickness in my body ?
If you have lived this principle all your life then you would not be at this point of facing serious sickness in your body today. But because you have not thus you need to face the consequences of it. Though if the damage in your body is not too great then the answer to my question is "YES".