I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus do not let yourself to fall for the trap of the emotional mind, which tells you that something is impossible and then you accept it blindly. The common mistake is that we want to get healed instantly. Maybe that is possible but you need to know how. And thus if you do not know how to get healed then you must do it step by step. And this means that you must stop your emotional mind telling you that this is not possible and you look what can be practically done.
As I said before I know from personal experience and from my patients that most of the time we know what we should do. But we either lazy to do it or we don't believe that this is going to help and we ignore it. And then we also remember very good the moments when we have either made a choice or decision or we did not act and then as the consequence we got sick. This is also very common situation, which only confirms that we know how we have got into the shit hole.
Now... I said it already before... you will be inclined to doubt that this what you think you should do, would work and you will find an excuse good enough to further strengthen the doubts and you will probably go for the "easy and traditional solution" of going to the doctors and taking the pills despite the fact that the medicine is not 100% effective and it usually brings a lot of serious side effects ( e.g. chemotherapy ). And this is simply because you are treating the symptoms and not the cause. Obviously the reason why we chose the medicine is because it makes the symptoms to disappear relatively faster while listening to ourselves and doing what we know what we should do will not remove the symptoms as fast and then I can also see very commonly that the symptoms may even strengthen because this is how the body is cleaning itself. For example I have seen it last year when I was going through the problem with psoriasis. My skin at some point was looking really bad - it was swollen with red itchy points all over my body. I was really scared at some point and I thought that I will end up in the hospital but I got over it and eventually I got healed.
Going for the "easy and traditional solution" comes also from the fact that we have not learned how to trust ourselves. Actually I should say that we have intentionally taught ourselves to ignore and distrust ourselves. We have dedicated a lot of time and effort into it. And now we are at the point when we are seriously sick and we would really need to have this trust on our side but what we have to do it to actually learn as we go and hope that it will work. And then almost everybody around us is kind of against us and they try to stop us from learning how to trust ourselves. In my case with the psoriasis I had this trust on my side because I have made the decision in my life to not follow blindly the crowed but actually listen to myself. And thus the whole process of going through the sickness was much easier for me. I was scared at some point but still it was much easier for me to make the decision to not panic and listen to myself. I was lucky because I was not alone in those times and I had a support of my friend but then I was listening to his advice because I was trusting myself. Otherwise I would ignore what my friend was telling me and I would go with the treatment with the doctors. And I was 2 or 3 times at this point of making the decision.
To be continued...