I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... as I said whether you decide that you would go to the doctor or not it is your choice. But in any case do not panic. Or at least do your best to try to not panic. And this thing with panic is nothing else but your emotional mind. And this is a little bit like a drowning person. The more this panics and the more he "throws" his hands around and the whole body then the possibility of him drowning is much higher. Ask the lifeguards and they will confirm it. Thus once you find out that you are seriously sick and you let yourself to be directed by your emotions ( panic, fear etc. ) then you will get worse quickly. This time you may ask the doctors and they will confirm. Thus instead of falling into the trap of emotional mind, take a deep breath and the best would be if you continued to breathe deep all the time and try to switch on the logic. I guarantee you that this will be much more effective.
Now... obviously if your condition is really complicated and advanced then unfortunately you must accept that your end will be soon. But even then I would not give up so easy. I have seen it and I have heard about similar situations many times.
So what should we do with this logic which I was talking about above ?
Well... listen ( read ) carefully to this. I have learned from experience that it does not matter how complicated the circumstances are and it does not matter how big the problem is, most of the time we know what we should do to get ourselves out of shit hole. This is simple as that... we have got ourselves there and we know how we should get out obviously under condition that it is not too late because the damage is already too big.
And here we have again the emotional mind. You look at the big wall and you tell yourself that it is impossible to get over it. You give up without even analysing the situation and looking for some kind of practical solutions. You give your power to the emotions and you give up. And obviously with this attitude you get closer and faster to the end of your path on this planet in this body.
To be continued...