I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This article is actually about any kind of sickness - seriously and not seriously. But then the fact is that not so serious sickness may develop into something serious with the time and thus here you are. Anyway... let's get in to it.
Thus what to do when you get the news from your doctor that you have serious disorder in your body ( cancer etc. ) ?
First of all do not panic... Yes... I know that this is easier said than done but at the same time you must not forget that I have experience with this shit and I know what I am talking about.
So let's say that you have cancer and if I told you to not go to the doctor and then you would get worse or you would die then there is a big possibility that somebody from your family who is pissed off would take me to the court and I would be held responsible for it. It does not matter that each year there are millions of people who die despite having chemotherapy treatments with the doctors and the doctors get away with it. Anyway we already know how this reality works and we cannot ignore it. Thus I am not going to tell you to not to go to the doctor to not get myself into trouble. But at the same time the reason why I will not recommend you to not to go to the doctors is because you must assess your own situation and then make the decision what to do. And there situations when going to the doctor is the only choice for you and there are cases when you can treat yourself at home or with the help of the therapist of natural medicine. Thus make the responsible choice based on the circumstances.
To be continued...