I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... the same rule ( like with my friend ) applies to our closest family members. If they do not want to do anything to get better then you have very little chances to convince them and help them. And trying some tricks; manipulating or forcing them to do it also does not work. So do not waste time and instead focus on yourself and see whether you have co-created this situation together with your friends or family members and correct it within yourself as much as you can. And this can actually do magic because firstly you stop giving your attention, your power and you energy to the problem and secondly by changing yourself for real you are becoming a "living example" and this works better than "thousand words".
So let's say that you notice within yourself that you are sick and at the same time you are too lazy to do anything to get better and thus you take the "easy way" by going to the doctor and taking pills and you do nothing from yourself to change yourself and push/pull yourself out of the whole. What can you do about his laziness ?
Well... you must realise first that this laziness did not come out of nowhere and suddenly. You have actually worked quite hard over long period of time to get yourself there. You have become lazier and lazier over time because you did not want to do anything out of yourself and you were always choosing the easy. And this easy way quite often means that you paid other people to do the things for you and take care of you. Thus if you want to change it then here are couple of helpful tips.
1. And remember that if you were capable to get yourself there then you are capable to get yourself out of there. If you have trained and programmed yourself to be lazy so you can detrain and deprogram yourself from it.
2. As is said before it took you long time to become lazy and thus stopping being lazy may be a process which may take you some time. I am not saying that it is impossible to make the change in the moment and stop being lazy in an instant but if you see that you are failing time after time then do not judge yourself. Simply take it step by step and eventually you will get there.
3. Do not give up just because it is not easy to change yourself as you think it would be and/or should be. As I said you have dedicate a lot of effort and time to become lazy and it may take you some time to get out of the whole.
4. The beginning may be really difficult and you may struggle a lot. Thus remember that learning new things ( e.g. new language ) takes time and you expecting to speak fluently a new language in one day ( or in this case stopping the laziness ) is the trick of your ego and your mind. And many people fall here and never succeed just because of this point of not being practical and expecting miracles which will never happen.
5. Just like with learning new language or any other subject. Everything will get easier and easier with the time. If you are persistent and constant then you will eventually speak fluently the language and you will be able to stop efficiently your laziness.
6. Nobody and nothing can do it for you. Even god ( if he exists ) is helpless. There is no magic pill to stop the laziness. You may have somebody to motivate you and help you but at some point this motivator will go away and he will leave you alone. And thus if you do not grow your anti-laziness muscles then you will fall very quickly.
There is nothing complicated about it. It is all common sense and logic. And you will realise once you get to the goal.