I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So as I have said at the end of the previous article, abuse prevails this whole reality. Women and children are being raped. There is around one billion of people starving and not getting proper nutrition. We have wars in which people are killed. We cheat and steal from others. We take advantage of others to make more profit for ourselves. We abuse our own bodies and ourselves. But this is not just the thing affecting humans. We are abusing, torturing and killing animals for fun and/or profit.
And then we also abuse the Earth itself with pollution and devastation of the ecosystem. And this is interesting because we get our bodies from earth ( so she is our mother ) and without earth and the ecosystem we are not able to survive here but yet we seem to not understand it at all. And so we abuse the Earth and we constantly push the limits of this abuse.
Look for example at the process of gas fracking. From the technical point of view this method of extracting gas from earth is cool. But unfortunately those who invented this method don't realize that this is simply abuse. Look at this example. Let's say that you are working hard for your boss. But he is obsessed with money and he always wants more and more of it. And so he forces you under the threat of losing your job that he will give you an injection of chemical substances so that you can work longer hours. And then we have another example. The slaves were working hard but yet they were beaten to force them to work even harder. And you'll see... process of fracking gas from the earth is exactly that. The earth gives us its resources but we have not enough and we "beat" her up to work harder for us and give us even more gas.
And do you think that people will stop here ?
NO... we will continue further with the abuse and once the fracking is not effective anymore we will surely find other abusive methods for extraction of the resources from the earth. As a matter of fact we already do it. You'll know... this thing with global warming is just that. It is not that the earth is warming up. It is that our scientists and the corporations came up with the idea to increase the earth's temperature so that the ice caps on the poles melt and then they can get their hands on the resources which are stack under the ice.
I know that this seems difficult to believe. But you'll see... technically speaking this very possible and the fact is that this is not a science fiction but it is very real. Read more on internet about HAARP and other weather control technologies.
I know that this is almost impossible to imagine that somebody would do something like this. Because we all know that melting ice on the poles means more water in the oceans and that means that all those coastal cites would be flooded. But well... who cares !?!. The most important thing is that the corporations can make more profit.
So this is demonstrating clearly how we push constantly the limits of the abuse.
To be continued...