I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The phenomena with getting used to false tones and accepting it as the way it is, is even more visible when it comes to the human body. Stop for about 5-10 min on a busy street and observe people. Pay attention to their postures and how they walk. Look at their shapes. You don't have to be a specialist as I do ( I am professional massage therapist ) to be able to see that people don't have straight posture. But it has been there for a very long time and they got used to it. It does not bother them. They have accepted it as the way it is and they do very little or nothing to change it.
Obviously that did not happen in one day unless somebody had an accident. In the beginning it was a tension in their body, discomfort and maybe little pain. But they did not stop and did not correct it. They ignored it and they let it be there hoping that it would go away by itself. But then they got used to this discomfort and they have forgotten about it. But interesting thing about it is that the problem has not been corrected although a person does not feel the pain anymore. It is just that this person simply got used to it and "pushed" it in to subconscious level. And so this problem starts to grow and cause the whole chain reaction within the whole body and the result of it is that after some years the body of this person is not straight and there is a big probability that this person also develops some kind of less or more serious sickness and disorder within the body. So you'll see... it has all started with a small thing ( discomfort, little pain etc. ), which has not been corrected. And that is the reason why there are so few people who's body is in good shape and healthy.
So finally what does it all have to do with the pushing limits of abuse ?
Look... getting to the point where the body is not in good shape is an abuse in itself against the body. But you'll see... the same as we allow our bodies to get out of line over long period of time functions the whole construct of abuse. Thus let's say that somebody does something abusive against himself or another being. And in the moment of doing it he knows that this is abuse. But if he continues doing it time after time and getting away with it without "punishment" then he will get used to it. And once he gets used to it then there is really nothing that would stop him from going one or two steps further on the path of abuse. And it all follows the rules of accumulative consequences. Thus there will be the whole chain reaction which eventually will affect the whole world. And unfortunately this is the point in time where we are right now. We live in the world where the abuse is around every corner.
To be continued...