I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Hmm... where should I start ?
Once you are in equilibrium it is very easy to see, to perceive and to detect that something is not in equilibrium as you are. To help you understand what I am saying I will give you couple of examples.
You don't have to be the best musician studying and training with the instruments many hours each day to be able to say that somebody else is not playing an instrument or singing fluent and nice. You will detect the false tones very easy etc.
Let's say that we have a very tall column with a relatively small base circle standing up. And it is relatively easy to see without any complicated hi-tech tools and equipment that this column is standing straight up or whether it is leaning off the axis. Now... once it is standing straight up it may be kind of difficult to push it so that it falls down. But the more this column is leaning off the vertical axis then we need less and less force to make it fall.
Now let's expand this example with the column to the very tall tree. The tree has a relatively small trunk in comparison with its base circle ( the roots ). Apart from this the roots are being entangled in the earth and thus the trunk of the tree can be very tall but yet it is very difficult to push this tree and make it fall down in comparison with the column of the same height but without the roots.
This is all basic and common sense stuff but I find it helpful to understand the psychological patterns of abuse. And thus let's continue.
The tree is a living organism with its flexibility and adaptation mechanism and thus if we apply force from the side over long period of time then the main trunk of this tree would start to lean of it axis. But as I said before this tree has an adaptation mechanism and thus with the time the top of this tree will start to grow and lean back towards the center. Obviously if we continue to apply more and more pressure and move it along the new growth then we can force the tree to be completely off the axis. But even then this tree will continue to grow and live because then it would start to develop the roots in such a way that it would compensate the sideway pushing force and the gravity force preventing it from falling down despite being off the axis. The column does not have the roots and it does not have the adaptation mechanism and that is why it relatively easy to make it fall down by applying force from the side.
To be continued...