I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Working long hours to secure the basic survival needs will obviously limit somebody's capacity to participate in the "activism" towards making the change in this world. But it is important to mention that it only limits to certain degree because you'll see... we are changing the system whenever we are changing ourselves by stopping the mind and the ego. Thus basically there is no really valid excuse that you have to struggle to survive and thus you cannot participate in the changing on the world system. We are the system and thus when we change ourselves ( no matter what we do ) then we also change the system automatically.
Now... there is another important point which I have noticed when I am being overloaded with work in the last couple of weeks. Working man hours and earning more money gives me a sensation that the global economy is going well. But unfortunately this sensation is just an illusion within my mind and trap in which it is easy to get lost.
Why is it an illusion ?
Well... look around... what has changed in the last few weeks in the world ?
We still have the same unemployment, there is around billion of people starving, there are millions of people without proper housing, education etc. And this a serious problem because those who are wealthy and have more power in the system continue to behave as if everything was ok because they live in the illusion of their mind, which they have created based on the amount of money which they earn.
So... these are my realizations coming from working a lot in the last couple of weeks.