I am catching up with posting online my articles.
By saying that it would be "relatively easy to get wealthy" I mean that there would not be so many obstacles - like there are in the current system - for people to run their own successful business. At the moment there are many people who have great and creative ideas for making a business but because they have not enough money and they have to dedicate majority of their time towards the fight for survival then their great ideas get never realised and then there are more inclined towards criminal activities. This is simple logic... if you work and you know that you earn every month certain amount of money but still you would like to do something and you know that the money that you earn is never going to be enough then you will be more inclined towards stealing, cheating etc. And in the case that you are without the job even though you really would like to work then the ratio of people doing some criminal activities is naturally much higher.
Our current economic and the global system is designed in such a way that we have relatively very few who live in excessive luxuries, then we have more of middle class but the big majority of people live in poverty. Obviously those who are wealthy try to protect themselves from crime by having protection system in the form of police or private security but as I said before this is temporary solution treating only the symptoms. Once we secure basic needs for everybody in this world and we give people the possibility to earn money and become wealthy through legal activities then the rate of crime in this world will drop drastically and almost immediately. And on the contrary we may spend even more money of new hi-tech anti-crime technologies and double the number of policemen but we will not be able to reduce noticeably the number of crimes.
But where do we get the money from to help all these starving people ?
Look... if we allocated the resources ( money, time, work , people etc. ), which are dedicated currently towards fighting the crime into helping those who struggle to survive in this world then I suspect that this in itself would be enough to fix the problem with the crime. This is like with the global military spending by the governments. The money which is being spent on weapons and wars would allow us to completely eradicate the starvation problem on at least few planets like our own.
So... here is the proposal of a new system which would help us to treat the cause of the problem with the crime in this world - Living Income Guaranteed. This new system is already being put on the paper. Now it needs to be implemented in the real world. But for this to happen it needs you and everybody else. We have created the current system and it is up to us to change it.
P. S. I do not like the word "victim" ( which I used in the beginning of the Part 1 ) too much because I have been doing the Desteni I Process course and I have been shown and I have realised that ultimately we are all responsible for everything that is going on in this world. Thus being a victim of a crime is also our creation and our responsibility although it is very difficult to comprehend it for many people.