I am catching up with posting online my articles.
You should agree with me - without thinking too much about it - that crime is a serious problem within our world. Obviously there are places, suburbs, cities, countries which have higher crime rates and are more dangerous that others and we try to avoid them if we can. But this is not always possible and then we must deal with the consequences of it once we become "victim" of it.
Anyway... how to eliminate or at least reduce drastically this serious problem with the crime ?
We already have in place organization of police which I supposed to prevent and protect us from the criminals but unfortunately - as we can see - this is not really effective. And the reason why this is not effective is because police is like a medicine prescribed from the doctors, which is treating and easing the symptoms but it is not treating the cause of the problem.
So "Mr. I know everything" ( this is me ) what is the solution to the problem of crime in our world ?
Look... this is not really that complicated. The main reason for criminal activities in this world is the desire to obtain financial benefits. Drugs, prostitution, human trafficking etc. exists because it gives the possibility to become rich relatively quickly and easy.
But there is also another element which motivates people to do crime. Or we should rather say - instead of "motivating" - that this element is forcing people to do the criminal activities because of impossibility to secure the basic survival needs in other way.
Thus in either case the criminal activities in this world would get reduced drastically and almost immediately if everybody had secured their survival needs. And at the same time there would be relatively easy to become wealthy through normal and "legal" activities ( e.g. business ).
To be continued...