I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday and today I have one of those days when I am very tired from working a lot and I don't really know what to write about. And apart from not knowing what to write about I do not really feel like doing it at all. But well... it is part of my life now. It is one of my responsibilities and duties which are on the top of my "to do" list and I have to do it no matter what.
So... let's write something about the thing which made me so tired.
In the last 16 months of my life I have been putting a lot of effort into getting myself stable within the system. I did try to do it before as well but this time it is different. Before I was starting ventures and projects with couple of friends but they did not work. But this time... I am really succeeding in making it happened. The only thing which I really need to be careful about is to not overload myself with responsibilities. I wrote about it 2 days ago.
Anyway... what I see now is that my basic survival needs are secured and now I have the possibility to move myself more efficiently within the system and work on changing this system. But this change of the system which I am writing about is not done yet. I am only at the point when I have the "possibility" of doing it more efficiently. Thus now I will see how I will do it. I have limited time to do it because still I have to dedicate my resources ( time ) into keeping myself stable ( earning money with work ) but still this is more time than before when I was unstable and not sure about my future. And although I have less available time I can see that thee have opened before me other doors with new possibilities.
So we will see how it goes. The last 2 years were not easy but I am glad that I am today at the point where I am. By the way... if I was not glad about where I am now that would mean that I would be still on the way to get to that point... hahahaha. But I am here. And I will continue my walk towards the changing of the system and the world in which we live in and which is not as perfect as it could be.
Uff... I did my writing for today and now I can go to sleep... :-)