I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In the last couple of month there has opened a very important point in my work as a massage therapist. I started to pay attention to the posture of my patients who come to see me with the complaints about the neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain etc. And it is interesting that I don't really need to do any massage or even touch my patients. So what I do is that I show my patients how to correct their posture ( e.g. straighten the back ) and they tell me that their painful area ( e.g. neck ) is getting better immediately either completely or at least the pain intensity is lesser.
Now... the improvement is only temporary but the reason for this short improvement is that this bad posture has developed over a period of few weeks, months or years. And thus it is required to spend some time to change the bad habits and relearn the good habit of keeping the good posture. Thus I show my patients how to correct the posture because they don't know anymore what the good posture is and I give them some exercises to do at home. And it is like a magic. I do not need any hi-tech medical equipment and I can solve many annoying pain and aches in the body. And this is cool for me because I do not have to work so hard physically massaging the muscles and I get the results.
So pay attention to your posture. It is really not so difficult to keep you body in line. If you are young then you may not have any pains even though your posture is bad. But trust me... the probability that you will develop the pains over the years is very high. And then if you do not have a good massage or physiotherapist who would point it out to you and help you to correct it then you will probably be taking some useless pills form the doctor and you will enter into the vicious cycle of side effects and secondary problems caused by the pills etc. And believe me... living without pain is much more enjoyable. And it is not so difficult to achieve it if you take care of your body and keep good posture.