I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Ok... so taking extra precaution when it comes to lending money - not only to strangers but also to friends and family - is very advisable in the current situation. I know that there are honest and genuine people out there who would always give you money back but the statistics and the facts of the reality show us that the risk of not getting your money back is very high and we cannot ignore it.
Now... I know that younger people will be much more inclined to ignore my advice and still lend the money. But the more years you live on this planet the chances are much higher that you have experienced at least once a situation when somebody abused your trust and lied to you and you did not get back your money, which you lent. And obviously you will automatically change your attitude towards lending money.
But the question is why should we ignore the warnings from our parents and then learn the hard way ?
Well... the young people have their ideals. And this is really cool. But unfortunately their ideals do not stand the test of time and once these young people are being abused then they change and give up their ideas and values very easy and quickly.
Thus what should we do then ?
Should we listen to our parents and give up on our values completely ?
But wouldn't it be very depressing and sad to do so ?
No... this is not what I am saying. My point is to take into the consideration the facts of the current system and apply precaution when lending the money. But this is only the temporary solution. Because then we should do something to change the current system so that people are not being motivated to steal, cheat and abuse others for money.
Is it possible ?
Yes... this is not utopia. All that we need to do is to seat down, make a plan and implement it in real life. I know that it will take some time ( at least some years if not decades ) but still it is better to wait 20 year for the change of the system rather than living whole life and knowing that I will always have to protect myself from other people who want or need to take advantage of me.
Here is the proposal of a new system - LIVING INCOME GUARANTEED - in which we could allow ourselves to trust other people and lend them money without worry that we will not get them back. Investigate it and get involved because it will not happen by itself. We ( humanity ) have created the current system and it is up to us to change because it is obvious that we are not happy with our current creation.