I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus what should we do with this whole situation about trusting others ?
Should we completely stop trusting others and protect ourselves by not lending money ?
But what about if I will need the money one day and nobody would lend it to me ?
Look... the statistics and the fact of this reality show us clearly that at least couple of times in a life time somebody would not give us back the money, which we have lent them. But then making the decision about not lending money at all just because of these facts makes no sense at all. At least it does not make sense to me. Because I know that this is the path and the direction of separation and ego with all of its consequences. And this is the vicious circle which may eventually lead us to the decision of not having friends at all, which is the ultimate separation.
Thus instead of making the decision to not trust anybody it is rather more recommendable to not ignore the statistics completely and be more careful when it comes to lending money. Thus it would be better to stop taking for granted that just because somebody is your friend, best friend, partner or family member then you should trust them unconditionally. Forget the earthly definitions and labels that somebody is your friend or family member. Look at the facts of what people say and then what they do. Look at how they act and behave. Remember that many of your "imaginary friends". What I mean here is that you make a belief within you mind that they are your friends and this belief makes you blind to see that they are stubbing you with the knife behind your back. You'll see... your belief that somebody is your friend will make you ignore the small and seemingly insignificant acts and you will try to justify within your mind that this is not what it is until the wound is so big that you are screaming out of pain and this pain opens your eyes. But then usually it is too late because the damage is already done.
Thus become aware of yourself and your beliefs. Become more aware of what your friends say and whether this is later being matched by their deeds. And become more aware of who you accept as your friend in the first place. This will reduce drastically the number of situations when you are being cheated and taken advantage of. Or maybe it will even prevent this type of situations completely. Try it. You have nothing to loose apart from imaginary friends and many, many unnecessary problems and consequences.
To be continued...