I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I understand your argument about lending money to strangers. But let's have a look at the point lending money to colleagues, friends, best friends, your boyfriend or girlfriend and family members. They are not strangers. This is the group of people that you know and I guess you could trust them and then you would be more inclined to lend them money based on trust.
But the question now is whether we can really lend unconditionally money to these people based on trust without any contract signed on paper ?
Now... to answer this question I will ask another question:
What guarantee do we have that all of these people who belong to our family and close friends would not lie to us and would not abuse our trust ?
To answer this question let's do a little analysis. Take a piece of paper and make the list of all the people from your close "trust" circle and next to each person write every situation when you saw or heard that they were not honest, genuine and they have abused and taken advantage of others. Don't ignore the small things. They are very important as well. It is recommended to write things on the paper because then we will see clearly the numbers and otherwise it is easy to get lost and miss very important things. And this is also because we create various beliefs in our mind about people and situations and then these beliefs make us blind to see the reality and ignore the small things which are very important in this case. Remember that once the small and insignificant things accumulate then we may have a huge mountain of problems.
And if you see that your best friends and family members are doing shit to others then you should really revise whether you may trust them. You'll know... when there comes "appropriate" moment they will "bite" you as well. You may be the last person on their list of people to abuse but the chances that they would do it are very high.
To be continued...